GROOTS TECHNOEDGE PRIVATE LIMITED is a DIPP Certified Fintech Company registered under The Startup India program of Government of India, set up by a team of professionals with experience in Digital Banking & Payments industry. GROOTS TECHNOEDGE PRIVATE LIMITED is brand registered under VASI GATEWAYS Private Limited Company. The team works on deep insights and understanding of payment and transaction technology space. We operate on a B2B2C model, where we partner with neighbourhood retail stores and enable them with the tools to provide assisted financial and digital commerce services to their local communities. Our innovative solutions are modelled to make transactions seamless, quick and easy and strives to empower our retail partners and their customers.
A Global Organization
GROOTS TECHNOEDGE PRIVATE LIMITED established in 2020 with the main objective of boosting online Bill Payments, AEPS transactions, and all sorts of financial services over the online platform in a simple and hassle-free manner. With the help of our dedicated team, we work for our distinguished distributors, retailer, and clients to provide them a convenient mode of digital transactions.
Build the largest branchless banking network that helps create a more progressive society through easy access to financial services.
Make financial services available to everyone, everywhere.
GROOTS TECHNOEDGE PRIVATE LIMITED will empower rural entrepreneurs to broaden their village's connect to services in their markets, thereby increasing the affordability, accessibility and variety of products available to Rural Communities using cost effective technology.
Start with a small service
GROOTS TECHNOEDGE PRIVATE LIMITED gives you an opportunity to turn your own shop into a Banking & Financial institution. You can pay your customers utility bills, provide them aeps services etc. and earn in every service you give. Easy and effective!
- We provide Assisted Digital Financial Services
- We provide services like Bill Payments, AEPS etc.
- Water Bill, Gas Bill etc.
- We are not bank.
- Provide Insurance, Finance company
- We are not Travel Agent